Standard Curriculum Modifications

Description / Requirements

Updates to majors, minors, and certificates that constitute 25% or less of the plan's total units. If you are uncertain whether your proposed curriculum changes are standard or substantial, please contact Curricular Affairs to request a meeting.

Undergraduate: Annual Curriculum Update

Academic Departments may make standard updates to undergraduate Academic Advisement Reports for majors, minors and certificates during the Annual Curriculum Update each fall. Approved updates will be published in the next academic year's catalog. Update requests are submitted through UAccess and may include:

  • changes of 25% or less to program requirements
  • updates to program description
  • revised learning outcomes
  • adjustments to 4-year plan in Degree Search (majors only)

Security Access Provisioning and training are required to submit, review, and approve these updates.

Curricular Affairs reviews annual updates to ensure clarity/consistency and policy compliance, and approves appropriate requests. We may follow up with you if a request needs clarification. Department submitters will receive an automated notification once the update request is approved or denied (no action required), and again when the revised Academic Advisement Report needs department review and approval for publication in the catalog.

Curriculum updates that are inconsistent with University or ABOR policy, or exceed the 25% total unit threshold, may be denied. Requests exceeding the 25% threshold will be advised to submit the Substantial Modification form requiring committee approval.

Graduate: Annual Non-Substantial Curriculum Update

Graduate programs may propose standard (non-substantial) updates to curriculum and degree requirements for graduate degrees, minors, and certificates during the Annual Curriculum Update each fall. Approved updates will be published in the next academic year's catalog. Non-substantial changes to Graduate Program Curriculum for Degree, Doctoral Minor, or Certificate Programs can be submitted via the Graduate College's Academic Services website and may include:

  • changes of 25% or less (increase or decrease) to the units required 
  • increasing flexibility in program requirements

Please note that changes of more than 25% in required units, changing themes of the major, or changing core requirements in the major are considered substantial changes and require a different approval process.

The request for non-substantial (minor) change to graduate curriculum (degree, minor, or certificate) can be initiated by the Director of Graduate Studies or Graduate Program Coordinator for the program. The request must include a statement of support from the Director of Graduate Studies (if not the proposer) and the Program Chair/Head.

Proposal Routing Path

Graduate Undergraduate
Curricular Affairs (Review) Curricular Affairs (Review)
Graduate College  


Important Dates / Deadlines


  • October 31 for the following academic year


  • October 31


Dates and Deadlines