Dates and Deadlines



Term Priority Route Start Final Approval Go Live
Summer / Fall 2024 December 20th February 15th March 1st
Winter 2024 / Spring 2025 July 20th September 15th October 1st


Last Day for Priority Route Start Details

Summer/Fall 2024 Last Day for Priority

  • December 20, 2023- Last day UA Course Add/Modify/Inactivate forms are given priority for preview and route start.

Winter 2024/Spring 2025 Last Day for Priority

  • July 20, 2024- Last day UA Course Add/Modify/Inactivate forms are given priority for preview and route start.

Finalized forms must be submitted no later than 7/20 for Winter/Spring and 12/20 for Summer/Fall to receive priority preview and route start. 

We encourage submissions as far before the last day for priority deadline as possible, as forms submitted missing information or needing clarifications will be returned to departments for updates. When returned forms are resubmitted and the resubmission date will be the submission date for processing. 

Forms submitted after the last day for priority deadlines will be reviewed and routed as workload and final approval deadlines permit.  All forms must still meet the final approval deadlines to be processed for the requested term, see final approval deadlines for details.


Final Approval Details

Summer/Fall 2024 Course Approval Deadlines

  • Feb 15, 2024- Last day for UA Course Modify and Inactivate forms to complete approval route.
  • May 1, 2024- Last day for Summer UA Course Add forms to complete approval route including 10-day campus review.
  • Aug 1, 2024- Last day for Fall UA Course Add forms to complete approval route including 10-day campus review.

Winter 2024/Spring 2025 Course Approval Deadlines

  • Sept 15, 2024- Last day for UA Course Modify and Inactivate forms to complete approval route.
  • December 1, 2024- Last day for Winter UA Course Add forms to complete approval route including 10-day campus review.
  • Jan 1, 2025- Last day for Spring UA Course Add forms to complete approval route.

Winter 2023/Spring 2024 Course Approval Deadlines

  • Jan 1, 2024- Last day for Spring UA Course Add forms to complete approval route including 10-day campus review.

Routed Course forms that do not meet the Final Approval deadline will have their first effective term moved to the next available term.

After Priority Deadline Add Form Details

Add forms not routed or submitted after the following dates will be moved to the next available term.  After deadline adds already routing at that time must meet the final approval deadline to be added to the Course Catalog. 

Summer/Fall 2024 After Priority Deadline Add Form 

  • April 1, 2024- All summer courses that are not House numbered special topic or Individual Study courses.
  • May 1, 2024- Summer House numbered special topic or Individual Study courses
  • July 1, 2024- All fall courses that are not House numbered special topic or Individual Study courses.
  • August 1, 2024- Fall House numbered special topic or Individual Study courses.

Winter 2024/Spring 2025 After Priority Deadline Add Form 

  • November 1, 2024- All courses that are not House numbered special topic or Individual Study courses.
  • December 1, 2024- House numbered special topic or Individual Study courses.

House Numbered Courses

UA, ABOR, or HLC policy compliance may necessitate the submission of a course form after a posted deadline (see General Catalog for policies). Forms seeking a policy compliance exception must have a comment posted to the form upon submission and will be reviewed by Curricular Affairs.


Proposals for new programs and requests for substantial changes to existing curricula require approval by faculty governance councils which only meet during the academic year. The dates below are suggested guidelines to maximize opportunities for approval within an academic year but on-time submission of a proposal does not guarantee approval will occur by a specific date. Request types not listed here are accepted on a rolling basis.

Requests Requiring ABOR Approval

New Majors (Undergraduate or Graduate)

  • July 1 - Preliminary proposal
  • September 15 - Full proposal 

New Academic Units, Novel Combination of Existing Program and Location (in AZ), Certain Disestablishments

  • December 1

New Minors, Certificates, Emphases, AMPs, and Substantial Changes

  • December 1- Priority consideration
  • February 1- Final deadline 

Annual Curriculum Update

Fall 2024 (Updates for 2025-26 catalog)

  • Sept date TBD 2024- Curriculum Update Module opens.
  • October 31, 2024- Deadline for departments to submit Curriculum Updates.
  • November 2024 - January 2025- Curricular Affairs reviews updates for clarity and policy compliance, approves or denies requests.
  • January - April 2025- UITS Business Analysts build updated advips and request department review; departments review and approve edited advips.
  • April 2025- Fall catalog goes live