Changing a CIP Code

Description / Requirements

Requesting to change a program’s 6-digit Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code which supports accurate reporting through the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System).

Submitting a Change in a CIP Code

To request a change to the CIP code associated with your degree, minor, or certificate, send a memo addressed to Vice Provost and Curricular Affairs. Include the following information:

  • Current CIP code and proposed new code
  • Curricular justification for the change and explanation as to how it aligns with curriculum
  • Available documentation about CIP codes used by peer or equivalent university programs 
  • Explanation as to how the change will benefit students
  • A statement of support from the department chair
  • Associate Dean/Dean signature

CIP Code changes are made on July 1st.


Proposal Review

Curricular Affairs (Review)Curricular Affairs (Review)


Related Links

Important Dates and Deadlines

Requests can be submitted any time and will be routed in a timely fashion. Once approved the applicable change will take place on July 1st of the approved year.