Adding a Sub-Plan / Emphasis

Description / Requirements

This process consists of creating a specialized subset of curricular requirements within a major; may not exceed 40% difference in common requirement. The ABOR policy governing emphases states that "Undergraduate subspecializations may not develop to the extent that they require students to complete more than 60 percent of the total number of credit hours required in courses in the major field of study." 

Submitting a Sub-plan / Emphasis Request

To submit a request for a new sub-plan/emphasis, please use the form linked below:

Email a draft of your completed form (Word document) to for review and approval prior to sending us the signed, completed PDF.

Proposal Routing Path

Graduate Undergraduate
Curricular Affairs (Review) Curricular Affairs (Review)
Graduate Programs Executive Review Committee (GPERC) Undergraduate Council (UGC)
Grad College Academic Administrators Council (G-CAAC) Undergrad College Academic Administrators Council (U-CAAC)

Important Dates / Deadlines

Proposals for new programs require approval by faculty governance councils which only meet during the academic year. The dates linked below are suggested guidelines to maximize opportunities for approval within an academic year. When proposal volume exceeds available committee agenda slots, approval may be delayed. On-time submission of a program proposal does not guarantee approval will occur by a specific date. 

Priority Consideration

  • December 1

Final Deadline

  • February 1


Dates and Deadlines