Student Services Fee

FY26 Student Services Fee Project applications funding cycle is now closed. Next funding cycle is Fall 2025.
What is the Student Services Fee (SSF)?
The Student Services fee mission is to deliver new or improve existing support services to all students in ways that promote success and enhance the overall quality of the student experience. The SSF is governed by the Student Services Fee Advisory Board (SSFAB).
Prior to Fall 2024, the Student Services was a stand-alone mandatory fee paid for by all main campus students. In Fall 2024, per Arizona Board of Regents mandate, the SSF became a component of the Student Engagement Fee (prorated based on units enrolled), which is paid by all main campus UArizona undergraduate students.
The SSF component of the Student Engagement Fee is $142.50 per student, per semester. $75 of this is managed by the SSFAB and $67.50 supports the Student Union.
Beginning in Fall 2024, graduate students no longer pay student fees. Instead, a portion of graduate student tuition is allocated to the SSF, comparable to the amount previously received through fee revenue, which allows the SSF to continue funding projects that benefit the entire campus, both undergraduate and graduate students.
Why does the fee matter?
The Arizona Board of Regents approved the Student Services Fee in 2009. The Student Services Fee Board allocates approximately $4 million each year to departments across the University of Arizona.
The Student Services Fee funds projects that enhance the student experience and positively impact student life. The fee has funded a broad variety of projects providing expanded services and programs for UA students including:
Academic Support Services - Think Tank, Thrive Center Peer Mentors, Vets Education and Support Services
Career-Related Opportunities - GPSC Travel Grants, Supporting Wildcats' Journey to Paid Experiential Learning Opportunities, Completion Grant
Students Basic Needs - Basic Needs Micro Grant, Fostering Success, UA Basic Needs Center Support and Student Basic Needs Coalition
Student Safety and Support Initiatives - Safe Ride, Campus Pantry, Student Legal Services
Who gets involved and is eligible to apply for funding?
Departments from across the University of Arizona have applied for funding including; ASUA Student Government, Graduate & Professional Student Council, Veterans Education & Transition Services, and the Thrive Center.
UA students help determine where funds are directed, via comprehensive surveys issued bi-annually. The Student Services Fee Advisory Board (SSFAB) recommends funding priorities. University oversight of the Board is provided through the Office of the Provost, and funds are distributed following established University business procedures and policies.
Any university department or organization may apply for Student Services Fee funding provided that the program is open to all students of the university regardless of academic discipline and fulfills the mission of the fee.
Where can I see what projects have been funded?
The board publishes reports on what projects receive funding which can be found here. In the allocation reports, administrative allocations (top section of the report) are standard per governing board documentation and Provost approval. Specific project allocations reviewed and recommended by the board are under the FY Project allocations.
Can I apply for funding?
Applications for project proposals are typically submitted in early December with proposal review occurring early in the Spring Semester. Information about how to apply for funding and the specific dates that the application opens and closes may be found on the News page.