FYF Fiscal Year 2025 Awarded Projects

FYF Fiscal Year 2025 Awarded Projects

Project Name Department Project Manager/ Director/ Fiscal Officer Board Funded
ASUA Bear Down Camp ASUA Carol Barnette/Talia Myrick/Estella Trevers $50,000
Wildcat Welcome SSRI Hannah Hildreth/Jenny Nirh/Joelle Good $11,400
Parent & Family Programming Enrollment Management Annamarie Tellez/Emily Ross/Jacque Siqueiros $30,800
The A Center First Year Student-Staff Support System The A Center Laura Novotny/Leticia Soto-Delgadillo $50,000
Cultural & Resource Centers First Year Engagement Diversity & Inclusion Indira Arce/Esperanza Freitchen/Joelle Good $49,800
AFROTC Cadet Integration & Development Dean Of Students  William Singiser/Colonel Carey J. Jones/Kim Glennon $8,000

FYF Advisory Board Committee

We are profoundly grateful to the First Year Fee Advisory Board members below who thoughtfully evaluate each project and provide applicants with constructive feedback. Their efforts were invaluable.

  • Patricia Yango, Co-Chair, Senior
  • Talia Sugden, Co-Chair, Senior
  • Michelle Hein, Member, Freshman
  • Anusha Sharma, Member, Freshman
  • Sierra Meeks, Member,  Freshman
  • Michael Maietto, Member, Freshman
  • Daveena Biswas, Member, Freshman
  • Brooklyn Nunes, Member, Freshman