UGC Meeting - May 7, 2024

Meeting via Zoom

Zoom Link:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes from the UGC Meeting on April 9, 2024 – Holly Nelson, Chair
  3. Reports:
    1. Academic Administration Report - Greg Heileman, Vice Provost, Undergraduate Education
    2. Arizona Online Report – Caleb Simmons, Executive Director for Online Education
    3. Distance, Continuing Education Report –Tanya Hodges, Senior Region Manager, Yuma and Executive Director for Business Initiatives, Economic, & Grant Development
    4. Advising Resource Center/ Advising Community Report – Sharon Aiken-Wisniewski, Assistant Vice Provost, Academic Advising
    5. Registrar's Report - Alex Underwood, Registrar
    6. University-wide General Education Committee Report – Jeremy Vetter, UWGEC Chair
    7. Subcommittees:
      1. Academic Programs Subcommittee report on April 23, 2024 – Lisa Rezende, Chair
      2. Curriculum & Policies Subcommittee report on April 23, 2024 – Joost Van Haren, Chair
    8. UGC Report – Holly Nelson, Chair
      1. Thanks to UGC members whose terms are expiring: Jennifer Donahue, Doan Goolsby, Shujuan Li, Ross Nemeth, Holly Nelson, Lisa Rezende, Amber Rice, Caleb Simmons, Travis Spence, and Jeremy Vetter
  4. Consent Agenda Items – Lisa Rezende, Chair
    1. New Certificate: Indigenous Languages & Linguistics (SBS)
    2. New Certificate: Paramedicine (COM-T)
    3. Modification: UG Certificate in Geographic Information Science (CALES)
  5. Items for Discussion
    1. By-laws
    2. Wrapping up the Academic Year
  6. Meeting Adjournment