Non-Academic Fees List

Non-Academic Fees List


These fees are approved by the institution and not the Arizona Board of Regents. This list is not final, we will continue to update it throughout the year.

Arizona Center for Judaic StudiesACJS Exam Fee$30Hebrew credit-by-exam and proficiency exam.
Arizona InternationalInternational Student Fee$200Assessed students in order for UA to maintain compliance with the Federally Mandated SEVIS System and additional administrative and professional support.
Arizona InternationalInternational Student Orientation Fee

$125 UG

$75 G

Legacy fee for international orientation; fee assessed to Non-Degree seeking students only.
Arizona InternationalInternational Sponsored Students Fee

$600, $700, or $800 (Depending on the level of service)

Administrative Fee charged to agency or government sponsor - Fee is not charged to students.
Bursars OfficeLate Payment Charge$50This fine encourages students to enroll before class cancellation & the first day of classes. For more details visit the Bursars Office website.
Bursars OfficeTuition Payment Plan Fee$75This is an enrollment charge in a tuition installment plan. For more details visit the Bursars Office website.
Bursars OfficeUnpaid Tuition Fine$125This fine is used to encourage payment of tuition. For more details visit the Bursars Office website.
Bursars OfficeUnpaid Balance Fine1.5% of the unpaid balanceMonthly fine to encourage students to pay their bills by the due date. For more details visit the Bursars Office website.
Bursars OfficeReturn Check Fine$25Fine for the administrative cost of processing a returned check.
College of MedicineDisability Insurance$24Covers disability insurance for medical students.
College of MedicineApplication Fee$75Covers the cost of maintenance and processing of the application.
College of MedicineSecond-Year Medical Student Fee$80Offsets the cost of educational practice assessments and educational testing bank.
College of NursingCommitment Deposit$1,500A commitment fee is charged upon accepting admission to the Nurse Anesthesia program. This fee can be applied towards tuition upon matriculation. Students who do not matriculate forfeit the deposit. 
College of Veterinary MedicineVeterinary Medicine Students Commitment Fee$400A commitment fee is charged upon accepting admission. This fee is refundable upon matriculation. Students who do not matriculate forfeit the deposit. 
College of Veterinary MedicineDosimeter Badge Replacement Fee$30The fee will be charged to clinical students who lost or did not returned their dosimetry badge.
Dean of StudentsDiversion Enrollment Fee$100Diversion program w/UAPD & Pima County Attorney’s Office.
Dean of StudentsFraternity & Sorority Programs$30+Greek Auxiliary Membership Fee. For other membership costs visit their website.
Department of MathematicsTextbook Fee$125Replacement and/or administrative costs for lost or non-returned books.
Enrollment ManagementInternational Admission – Application Fee$85Application Fee to cover administrative costs.
Eller College of ManagementUndergraduate Program – Administrative Fee$10Administration & printing of Strong Interest Inventory.
Eller College of ManagementProfessional Admissions Fee$55Professional Admissions, Management, and Development.
Eller College of ManagementAdmissions Application Fee$65Recruitment of non-resident undergraduates.
Eller College of ManagementAdmissions Instant Access Fee for Transfer Students$20“On the spot” admission decisions for transfer students.
Eller College of ManagementAdmissions-SALT Center$150Student & parent participation in SALT orientation.
Eller College of ManagementLate Application Processing Fee$50For college or department requests that complete undergraduate applications, be accepted for the term after the deadline.
Eller College of Management

Masters Commitment Fee 

-Marketing (MSM)

-Finance (MSF)

-Business Analytics (MSBA)

$500A commitment fee is charged upon acceptance into these programs. This fee can be applied toward tuition in the term in which the student is accepted. Students who do not matriculate forfeit the deposit.
Financial Services OfficeCat Card Fee$25Charge for new Cat Cards (when not paid as part of an other fee, such as the enrollment fee), and each replacement Cat Card.
Office of Scholarships and Financial AidTemporary Loan Fee$25Charged for the administrative cost of processing a temp loan.
Office of the RegistrarTranscript FeeMultiple$25 In-Person Official Transcript, $15 Online Official Transcript, $5 Unofficial Transcripts.
Office of the RegistrarGrad Degree Candidacy$35Final degree audit & diploma production & distribution.
Office of the RegistrarUndergraduate Candidacy$50Undergraduate graduation services.
Office of the RegistrarUndergraduate Late Application to Candidacy$50A late penalty for students who do not meet the deadline for application to degree candidacy.
Residence LifeCommunity Living Workshops Fee$50Optional Residential education workshops.
Residence LifeBehavioral Education Fee$75This fee is used for guidance on proper behavior in community living.
Residence LifeOverdue Sanction Fee$75The sanction for late payment of dorm residence.
SALT CenterSALT Services FeesVariousVisit the SALT Center website for details.
SALT CenterABLE Clinic Services FeesVariousVisit the SALT Center website for details.
Tests - MultipleOverdue Sanction FeeVariousCLEP, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MAT, MCAT, MPRE, SAT & more.
The Department of LinguisticsExam Fee$100Language Exams to establish second-year proficiency in a language not taught on campus.
University LibrariesAnnual Business Card$100Purchase & process microfilming of student theses.
University LibrariesAnnual Business Card Renewal$40Renewal of library cards for non-UA-affiliated community members.
University LibrariesDissertations$75Purchase & process microfilming of student theses.
University LibrariesLost Books$100The average replacement cost of lost books & processing fee.
University LibrariesService Charges$35AIST Billing Charge.
University LibrariesService Charges$25Lost/Missing Book Processing.
University LibrariesService Charges$8/sq ftDDT Large Format Printing.
University LibrariesService Charges$20DDT High-Resolution Scans.
University LibrariesService Charges$29DDT PowerPoint Scan.
University LibrariesService Charges$25DDT A/V Production.
University LibrariesService Charges$75DCCP High-Resolution Scans.

All amounts shown in the Tuition Rates or in other University publications or web pages represent tuition and fees as currently approved. However, The University of Arizona reserves the right to increase or modify tuition and fees without prior notice, upon approval by the Arizona Board of Regents or as otherwise consistent with Board policy and to make such modifications applicable to students enrolled at UA at that time as well as to incoming students. In addition, all tuition amounts and fees are subject to change at any time for correction of errors. Finally, please note that fee amounts billed for any period may be adjusted at a future date. To learn more about fees specific to campus or careers, visit the Fees Schedule site.

For more information, please visit our Handbook and FAQ pages.