Non-Academic Fees

“Non-academic fees” are fees levied by the university that are not related to enrollment in a program. Examples include but are not limited to parking, deposits, graduation, tests, and other administrative fees.  University Presidents may create internal processes to set non-academic fees as necessary. The University of Arizona President has given full designation of this authority to the Office of the Provost.

For more information on fees, proposals, and setting policies, visit the ABOR Information section of this website.

The list below is not final, and any fee is subject to proper classification between Academic or Non-academic by the Office of the Provost or ABOR. If you want to determine the appropriate type of fee, please get in touch with our office. New fee amounts must be in effect for four complete semesters before an increase can be requested. A deletion or reduction can be requested at any time.

Non-Academic fees charged to students that do not ordinarily need ABOR approval are:
  • Penalty charges (late fees, disciplinary fees)
  • Deposits/Commitment
  • Third-Party Services Fees
  • Equipment, facility & instrument rental
  • Fees charged by auxiliary units
    • Fast Copy Center & Photo Shop
    • Intercollegiate Athletics
    • Parking & Transportation
    • Residence Life student dormitories & family housing
    • Student Union Food Services
    • UA Bookstore
    • UA Presents
    • UA Press publications
  • Keys
  • Optional fees for extra services or activities
  • Testing fees
  • Student Insurance
  • Study Abroad Fees
  • Workshop fees

You must complete the form below and email a completed copy to the University Fees Manager. Please attach any supporting documentation.

Form and Process

Non-Academic Fee Request Deadlines

Fall 2024 May 1, 2024 - Extended July 1, 2024
Spring 2025 October 1, 2024
Summer 2025 February 1, 2025

1.No requests will be considered after the deadline dates shown above.